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Why choose ThinkSmart Health?

We care about our team and customers! And our team’s experience includes over 50 years in IT consulting and 55 years of software development. We’ve provided IT consulting and software development services to general and specialist medical centres and medical device vendors in Australia and aboard. We understand the IT needs of the health industry.

What services has ThinkSmart Health provided to customers?

ThinkSmart Health has provided a wide range of services to the health industry, we’ve taken responsibility and looked after practices’ security systems, power, solar, vaccine fridges and monitoring, fax, phone systems, data cabling, documentation for accreditation, staff policies, accounting software systems, medical device service/support, and much more. We provide more than IT support! We have also provided bespoke software to help practices and medical vendors to enable secure, seamless and efficient workflows.

What is ThinkSmart Health’s position on data security?

IT security is a key consideration for all ThinkSmart Health staff. We are eccentric about safeguarding practices’ data and patient data. We believe in preventing data breaches, that means we put security safeguards in any IT solution we put forward, every IT system build we make and for our software, we secure data in storage and transmission. We also offer IT security information sessions for medical centres so their staff can understand where there may be IT security threats so they can avoid these minefields.